Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rainbow Weddings doesn't respect their vendors.

Okay, look, at this point I think it's pretty clear that I am indeed "gay and lesbian friendly." I have offered my magic services to "gay and lesbian" weddings and other functions. I'll work with virtually anyone.

Well, there is now one organization that is "gay and lesbian friendly" that I refuse to work with and I'm going to explain why.

Rainbow Weddings. If you are someone who has a service to offer to "gay and lesbian weddings", seriously consider doing so on your own instead of using their advertising services.

About two years ago I purchased advertising with them. I was totally fine with it. A little on the expensive side but I felt it was worth giving it a shot like so many of the other advertising venues I've tried. I did it to see if it was worth it. And like any half way decent business person I kept track of my ROI with their advertising.

Zilch. I bought a years worth of advertising and never even got a query let alone a gig. Now I'm not bitter about that. This is just business for me at this point. I spent the advertising dollar and gave it a reasonable amount of time to show me if it was going to be worth while or not. If I had gotten a query or two that would have been sufficient. A gig or two would have been great. In this case, nothing.

Well, at the end of the year I got the expected emails saying "Hey, your account is about to run out. Time to renew." I told them "No thanks" and then had the expected exchange of messages asking why. I explained that financially it didn't work for me and that my ROI didn't justify continueing to spend money with them. There is one other reason which is, simply, that I'm just not doing as much with magic these days and that what I want to focus on where my magic is concerned is the creation of my stage show.

Now at this stage I would have thought that I would not hear from them anymore. Contract done, etc.


I started getting advertising emails from them. Special event notices like wedding expos and such. No automated means of getting off their lists so I sent messages asking to be removed. Nothing. More SPAM. More requests to be removed. More SPAM.

I called them. I spoke to them on the phone and politely asked to be removed from their mailings. Got promises. Got more SPAM.

I called them again. I spoke to them on the phone and more firmly asked to be removed from their mailings. Got promises. Got more SPAM.

Notice the pattern here?

Well, today takes the cake. I am getting the same fucking message I got originally asking me if my services are "gay and lesbian friendly" and how would I like to advertise with them.

So, here we are.

People at Rainbow Weddings, you clearly have no respect for your vendors and I will not only not be doing business with you, but I am informing everyone I can that you don't seem to be very trustworthy.

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